Panneau 2 Anglais

Let’s connect people, not hand­cuff them ! Loop by loop, we crea­ted a giant net sym­bo­li­zing so­li­da­ri­ty to­wards people in exile. By wea­ving these bonds to­ge­ther, we built a po­si­tive image of mi­gra­tions. For a faire and di­gni­fied wel­come of mi­gra­ting people.
Let’s connect people, not hand­cuff them ! Loop by loop, we crea­ted a giant net sym­bo­li­zing so­li­da­ri­ty to­wards people in exile. By wea­ving these bonds to­ge­ther, we built a po­si­tive image of mi­gra­tions. For a faire and di­gni­fied wel­come of mi­gra­ting people.