Concrete and positive citizen proposals to improve the reception of undocumented migrants in Belgium
Throughout Belgium, citizens and municipal representatives, aged 4 to 94, have formulated positive proposals to build together a fair and sustainable reception for people exiled in our country.
Employment opportunities
Regularization of undocumented migrants : allow certain organizations to give their addresses to undocumented migrants to encourage official work instead of undeclared work and to provide them with shelter.
Making work accessible to people without papers for every job offer that does not find a candidate. Regularization of people without papers, decent housing for everyone.
Allow migrants to work in the sectors in which they are qualified.
Facilitate diploma equivalence through a skills test/apprenticeship that enables certification, rather than having to repeat the studies from scratch.
Work for migrants for a decent wage.
Helping people to obtain a rewarding social status (instead of just being an asylum seeker).
- Equivalence of scolar degrees =) administrative simplification of equivalence.
- Access to long-term and professional training courses.
- Work permit for everyone.
Availability of a translator to obtain a driver’s license so that qualified people who do not yet speak the language perfectly can access a job that requires a driver’s license.
Enabling local driver training for illiterate people.
Additional daycare centers and after-school care. Opening and closing of daycare centers adapted to working hours (cleaning, etc.) Migrants do not have a family environment that can provide childcare.
Amend the Combined Permit Act.
I propose a little more humanity, so that all people in need have access to training or studies to develop themselves.
We should get to work faster and recognize the capabilities of migrants, because without work, landlords will not want to rent them any accommodation.
That the diplomas obtained in these countries are recognized and provide access to a short training course including a language module, so that they maintain their self-esteem.
Create opportunities to continue taking language courses on the job, to enable a work circumstances. (on-site courses, subsidized, not at the employer’s expense).
Help companies that want to work with asylum seekers by offering cultural mediators to better understand each other.
That these people get a chance in life, work in society, because that is what they are looking for when they arrive here.
Set up a guidance system so that people can enter a real working environment more quickly and regain their self-esteem and self-confidence.
We must also regularize all undocumented workers and allow refugees to work when their skills meet employment demand ; for the same salary as a Belgian.
Give migrant workers a stable residence permit.
Housing infrastructure
Let there be a concrete wave of solidarity, a meeting place for everyone + access to food…
A kind of “Restos du coeur” for homeless migrants. At least shelter. The government must welcome migrants.
That my municipality may participate in the CIRE plan proposed in September 2022 ! for a (fair) spread per municipality.
Improve access to legal aid and interpreters for refugees.
Less violence against them, better access to centers for unaccompanied minors.
Let’s welcome children and adolescents who want a better life.
Improving hygiene in refugee camps.
Place the interests of children at the center of a welcome policy and practice, so that children in refugee centers can be children first.
Make the environment accessible, so that children do not live alone in the shelter.
Organize a strong network around shelters ; closer ties with education, leisure and better access to (mental) health care.
Infrastructure suitable for children and families in the reception centres : sufficiently large rooms, possibility to cook yourself, safe sanitary facilities in the room, indoor and outdoor areas suitable for children by age, computers and WiFi for homework.
A single transit center in each city with targeted and coordinated operations based on the intended aid objective. With interpreters of course ! Contact with citizens for well-defined and not too intense activities not to discourage them.
More legal advice and clarification for foreigners.
More centers for migrants. More subsidies for the associations that collaborate with them. Let everyone do their part, let them be welcome, in the country they choose. Know that the police also support you.
More actions with associations.
That suitable reception centers are easily accessible.
More humanity in the world ! It is shameful to hide behind political or financial considerations… Human action must be taken. We have a duty to help those in need.
Provide emergency shelter in all municipalities to prevent migrants from ending up on the streets (also in the summer).
Education and training
Help/support with translation, finding a job, even with complete language inability.
Providing access to higher education to undocumented people.
Better reception and support for refugee students arriving in the Belgian education system !
There are not enough schools to learn the language in villages and outside =) increase the number of training centers.
Language lessons should be free.
There should be more opportunities for language lessons, because we have to wait a long time to start.
Job offices’ offers must be available in multiple languages to quickly find a job.
All people in need of care from another country must have access to certified training so that they can then work and become self-reliant.
Let refugees receive training, let them work in Belgium and then let them return to their country as soon as there is peace.
Offering certified English teachers to understand each other better.
I propose that all children should be able to participate in all school activities, including school trips.
I propose that we can go to school more quickly after arriving in Belgium.
I propose that we give courses on Belgian culture to understand it better.
Developing social and professional integration programs for migrants.
Facilitate the organization of meetings on the migration issue and make information easily accessible.
The stories and difficulties of young people left on the streets by Belgium, in violation of their rights, must be made known !
Better inform municipalities so that they can receive people who have been forced to flee their country at war or were subject to a dictatorship, in a dignified manner.
As a citizen, I propose to dedramatize the influx of migrants. In 2022 there were 36,500. Far from the 46,000 in 2015 ! We must inform people correctly.
As a citizen, I propose to intervene with residents and authorities in countries of origin to prevent risky migration.
Inform the countries of origin about living conditions in Belgium.
For example, let the main TV channels offer ten minutes of testimonials from a migrant once a week in the style of “Le petit Berger” by Adam or the journey of a racialized woman.
Let the media and politicians stop stereotyping migrants. They offer opportunities and not danger to the host country.
Remember that asylum seekers are not profiteers, but people who are in life danger or who are victims of abuse. It is unacceptable not to welcome them properly in accordance with the law.
Don’t accuse migrants out of ignorance.
Real research work on the treatment of migrants in centers in Belgium and internationally.
Let’s avoid confusion : an asylum seeker or a migrant is essentially not a terrorist. Almost all migrants want to live in peace and participate in society.
Remember that everyone is the son or grandson of an immigrant…
Enable scientific and sociological studies to demonstrate the positive contributions of migration and to widely disseminate them in the press.
The dissemination of statistics revealed by various studies can make us aware of the genuine reality of migration.
Living together
Spend a day in their place. Let them be free, they are people like us. Experience their lives.
I propose that we vigorously combat racism and discrimination from an early age by creating moments of awareness, reflection and action in all schools.
And what if it were you ? They have the right to live a normal life. A network for a migration policy, please.
Let everyone do with and for others what he/she would like to be done for him/her.
The other is YOUR mirror image.
Engage in migration justice everywhere !
Would like to see more respectful reception (knowledge of the culture of others) at institutions.
Instead of turning away, let us try to understand the reasons that drive would-be refugees to leave everything, their home, their family, their homeland, because life there becomes impossible for them.
Let’s race ! Who shows solidarity best !
We should, instead of fearing strangers, endeavor to discover their greatness. We are all human… Being human means facing the same reality : life, death, birth, living with others.
This issue is a positive challenge from which we can learn.
As many multicultural encounters as possible, because learning to know means learning to accept.
Help, understand, and accept people who come from elsewhere and who are different without prejudice and accept differences.
Continue to encourage multicultural encounters again and again. We should all learn from each other.
Create moments of discussion, through board games to create social bonds. Why not sponsored ?
Let’s come together to find our similarities and talk to each other, and respect differences.
Live and laugh together.
Let’s take the time to meet and understand each other so we can move forward together.
Let’s look together for what brings us together.
Let’s share our culture, our traditions.
Celebrate holidays together and exchange experiences.
Discover the country by going on a trip to meet more Belgians.
Make sure you have friends who speak the language so you can communicate outside of school.
A better reception, but also learning Western culture and rules. More of both.
Let’s forge bonds, let’s create solidarity instead of exclusion, let’s create support instead of submission.
Better integration and education for “new” migrants, so that there is less social inequality.
I propose a more open and reasoned reception in Belgium and assistance to the countries from which they leave.
I propose offering meeting places with newcomers. Often it is fear that prevents meetings.
Respect and know your neighbors better.
Set up support, sponsorship and meeting networks (one, two, us, Interra, Live in Color) to enable people to forge new bonds, as they miss the support of their families, and thus they can join the society of learn to understand their host/hostess.
Go out and meet people.
Organize cooking groups. A person presents a typical meal from his country. Everyone cooks together and shares the meal. It is an opportunity for discussion and exchanges between people from different backgrounds.
Create a platform where every foreigner can ask all questions about life in Belgium. Because it is very difficult to deal with the various organizations each and every time.
Volunteer work.
Encourage “donations” so that everyone can dress and furnish themselves.
That we are no longer afraid of the other, but that we meet them.
Organize cultural events in the city, on squares, etc.
Getting to know eachother.
The first is that we must hear them before we judge them, and above all that we must give them the right to speak and explain what they have to say.
I think the unknown is scary, but once you get over your discomfort, you can make it work.
May every community join hands and may the Nivelles Festival at least give place to the vibrant cultures of Nivelles” communities. Long live interculturality!!
Develop common culture, political knowledge, solidarity, interethnic and mutual aid across generations. Multiculturalism is the future ! Encourage listening to and sharing cultures and knowledge.
May the bonds between communities be strengthened.
Let’s build fewer walls and more bridges… Forget our comfort, we need empathy… Put yourself in their shoes…
Let us all mobilize together to welcome displaced people, regardless of the reasons why they had to or wanted to leave their homes. The Earth is ultimately one big place and all people are its citizens. Boundaries only exist in narrow minded thinking.
One cannot look away when misery knocks at the door. The world is too small for it.
Let us develop common culture, political knowledge, solidarity and inter-ethnic and mutual aid. Multiculturalism is the future !
Equal rights for everyone, for example for medical treatments.
I propose that all children, even those who are undocumented, can have social insurance and access to healthcare.
Simplify emergency medical care procedures.
Access to decent housing, education for children and healthcare for all.
Refugees deserve a decent welcome.
Regularization of undocumented immigrants, expansion of shelters in ILAs and reception centres. Allow NGOs and non-profits, organizations, churches, etc. to provide their addresses to undocumented migrants so they can find shelter.
A roof for everyone, basic comfort (food, heating) for everyone, education for everyone. Let’s stand in solidarity… we all live together on the same planet !
Financially affordable housing for everyone !
Promote solidarity, the development of (existing) live in communities, intergenerational, multicultural. Long live diversity and human interaction with each other.
More help finding accommodation.
Shelter for everyone and also food.
Giving people access to a stable and safe living environment.
Repurposing vacant buildings to house the homeless.
Increase the number of beds in FEDASIL centers and ILAS, if necessary use outdoor areas (for example : FEDASIL in Oignies with a huge area to place tents).
Availability of an interpreter to better understand procedures (renting).
Quality care for children without fear, stress and uncertainty about shelter after their school day.
After the floods, many houses in Liège were left empty and dilapidated. Let us use them, put them in order and offer them to those who need them.
No one should sleep on the street, accommodation must be created.
Everyone must have a roof over their head when they arrive on Belgian soil.
Avoiding ghettos by allowing diverse origins into community housing.
A municipal dispersal plan for migrants.
I propose to occupy vacant buildings to house them.
Insulate social housing and improve its acoustics. Make homes healthy.
Make sure landlords are to be reminded of their obligations : deposits into an account, rental contract, homes with sanitary facilities.
Housing 3,000 people in a country with 11,000,000 inhabitants is NOT a big problem.
I propose that social housing associations call on translators (ex Univerbal) to explain the rules and to be able to enter into energy contracts.
I propose organizing introductory meetings for landlords and tenants to get to know each other better and better understand their concerns and needs.
There must be more social housing for everyone.
A much more humane asylum policy, housing for all these migrants who end up on the street.
May all migrants be better received in our country. Keeping them housed and fed is a priority. I don’t want to see any more tents along the canal, nor migrants lying in train stations.
I propose that we take unaccompanied minors into families.
That the Belgian State and the Regions make more shelters and housing available to migrants.
Creating shelter accommodations for the short or medium term.
Government policy
A fair migration policy.
Europe must take measures to receive migrants with dignity to prevent tragedies in the Mediterranean.
Strengthen the fight against gender inequality to protect migrant women from abuse during their flight to asylum.
The government should support citizens” involvement in welcoming migrants.
Setting up pathways to legal residence, with attention to vulnerable groups.
I would like to see closed refugee centers permanently abolished.
End detention and forced expulsion of foreigners for simple administrative reasons.
Shelter for applicants for international protection : no homelessness !
Abolition of the Dublin Regulation and abolition of the externalization of borders.
Provide more humane and smoother shelter for migrants.
Every municipality must take its responsibility in the reception of refugees and asylum seekers. Done with “not in my backyard”.
Transfer funding for closed centers to better funding for open shelters.
The money we are willing to spend to send people back across the border should instead be used to give them a dignified home (housing, education, medical care, etc.).
That the Belgian government legalizes ALL “illegal” migrants.
May every person be treated with dignity and humanity.
I wish every person who arrives in our country the hope and the conditions necessary to start again with peace of mind.
Living on the streets, detention centres, deportation agreements with non-democratic countries can no longer be accepted.
Europe must take measures to welcome migrants to prevent tragedies in the Mediterranean.
More humanity in the processing of asylum applications.
The government should support the involvement of citizens in the reception of migrants.
That migrants are welcomed in a more humane way.
That they are viewed and welcomed as people.
How many vacant buildings are there that could be assigned to them ? That’s just about political will !
To have human decency respected by my own country, Belgium.
Which country can claim to be a state of law and ignore the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights ? Today I am ashamed of my country, I am ashamed of being Belgian.
There are laws, but luckily there are also people.
If the government continues to act illegally, then only civil disobedience remains.
May the Belgian government (and all citizens) be more hospitable and humane towards migrants.
Belgium and its government should do more justice to their citizens.
A migration policy must respect everyone’s human rights and self-esteem.
Let’s stop saving money at the expense of humanity.
Belgian politicians should finally do everything in their power to provide a respectful and supportive welcome to migrants from all over the world.
A real arrival policy with respect for all laws, the Convention on Human Rights, the Geneva Convention and ESPECIALLY for the fact that we are all people of one world.
I am shocked. How can you, “Politicians”, with our money, think you can leave more than 2,500 people on the streets ? Fortunately, there are SOCIETIES.
The Belgian government must respect the European laws on refugee asylum. When a government takes illegal actions, citizens rightly start wondering.
Migrants should no longer be criminalized : migrating is exercising your right to personal mobility.
That Belgian and European politicians organize migration flows to solve the current catastrophic system.
That our society and the politicians who represent it ensure that no person is left behind, whoever they are, wherever they come from, whatever their social situation.
We wish the politicians the courage to take up their responsibilities !
URGENTLY !!! I would like to set up a reception infrastructure for migrants in my municipality and guide their efforts towards integration in our beautiful country !
Can the West stop supporting dictatorships in black Africa ?
Politicians should take concrete measures to resolve conflicts and eliminate inequality.
Better listening and more consultation between politicians and citizens.
Let migration be a real right and put an end to home visits. We are all the same people from one planet !
The preventive abolition of the system of home entry. It is not by searching houses that we find terrorists. It is by providing the necessary funds to Justice that radicalized individuals will not be overlooked.
I would like to see more municipal actions that give migrants the welcome they need.
Migration policy must promote the resettlement of migrants and asylum seekers who already have family on Belgian territory.
Can the state stop wasting our money on flashy projects ? We don’t need luxury. Rather, we desire the proximity of happy, fulfilled, welcome, active and free people.
I would like a little more effort from the government.
Every person on earth deserves the same opportunities in terms of safety, food and health. That all people are treated equally as human beings regardless of their nationality.
Clear rules must be laid down and respected by the Federal State in its migration policy.
The government must respect the law when receiving migrants.
I propose to maintain the obligations of the reception municipalities, including my city, in the long term.
I would like to see the Justice Department better funded. It is unacceptable to hear that inhumane situations remain unresolved because of the underfunded judicial administration !
The regularization of undocumented immigrants, safe and legal ways to migrate, the welcoming of migrants in the different municipalities, guaranteeing their actual rights !
May everyone be able to live with dignity and safety, have papers, in short, live together. For this we need a fairer and more humane migration policy.
Fewer ministers mean more promises are kept.
Start from relationships between willing citizens and make this into policy =) involve citizen committees and people on the ground in the reflection on reception policy.
Regularization with clear and permanent criteria, an independent committee.
Concrete actions to protect undocumented people in my municipality.
Abolishment of closed centres.
Change the Dublin procedure.
Human Rights country ? Let us use our financial resources to put these beautiful words into action.
The UN has endorsed the rights of migrants as a human right : in this spirit, I propose to encourage Belgium and the European Union to become partners in this Treaty and to sign and ratify it.
That people from countries at war automatically receive papers.
Can’t my municipality have “Citizen Cards” issued ?
Municipalities must renew their plea for their hospitality and effectively commit to a policy of openness and welcome.
Clear and permanent criteria for regularization.
An independent committee.
The end of capitalism ! Because we use foreigners to lower wages = bad for local workers = increasing far-right voices = breeding ground for dictatorship.
Quickly establish regularization criteria.
We, the multinationals of the North, who determine the prices of raw materials, organize the markets, areas cultivated exclusively for us, ships that sail the seas, you see the results on the climate. But are we going to change ?
Let there be no more war in the world.
We want to put the citizen at the center of various political decisions. We must create a break ourselves and be the architects of the renewal.
Land of human rights ? Shouldn’t we rather use our financial resources in a humane way to respect these wonderful values ?
I propose to abolish the Dublin agreements, to oblige the Belgian state to respect International Law.
Anyone who has arrived via family reunification should be able to obtain nationality after 3 years.
Respect human dignity and fundamental rights.
Receive them, do not judge or reject them.
It is imperative that politicians act and that our governments fulfill the European obligations they have agreed to.
Let every politician donate a day’s salary to the homeless.
I propose to regularize people without residence permits en masse and to respect all our international obligations in the field of migration !
Administrative procedures
There must be many more places for everyone who comes to Belgium to apply for international protection.
Creating climate refugee status.
Put everyone on an equal footing during procedures.
Hire more staff to speed up administrative procedures for obtaining papers.
A resident permit that would serve as an identity document during the procedures (for example Carte Ardente / Liège).
We should receive a faster response when applying for refugee status. Having to wait a few months for a response is not acceptable.
I propose to give nationality unconditionally to people over 60 years of age.
Can’t the procedure for applying for residence papers be shorter ?
Shorten the duration of procedures to reduce future uncertainty and the risk of prescription.
I propose to give citizenship to anyone who has lived in the country for five years and is 60 years old, with no work requirement.
Let’s shorten the application period for these people, out of minimal human respect.
Belgium must stop all inhumane and degrading treatment of migrants in our country and recognize them for what they are : an enrichment.
Some philosophical reflections
The Earth may have limits, but the dreams of migrants do not !
Love is a safe haven.
I would like a world in which everyone is equal and recognized.
Let’s start thinking globally, in everyone’s interest. It is high time to put an end to our greed, which exhausts the earth and sends millions of people onto the road.
Let’s connect with each other, instead of strapping wrists.
Everyone is always someone’s stranger, so let us stop being afraid of them and hating them.
The planet belongs to everyone ! Let’s be united.
May all those people who were born free and with equal rights be treated with the dignity they are entitled to !
I would like every citizen of whatever origin to be able to maintain their self-esteem by welcoming them humanely.
Undocumented people are not criminals.
Everyone has the right to freedom and to live the way he or she wants.
Every person has the right to live in complete freedom in the country he or she wants.
We are all citizens of the world.
Appearances are deceiving ! Don’t just judge by the external difference…
All people have the right to respect !
Without connecting multiculturalism the world has no future.
Abolition of borders for the free movement of people.
Abolish the inequalities that prevent solidarity.
Opening of the borders.
We are all the same.
Let everyone unite for a better future.
More peace, more tolerance.
Universal generosity.
No one is a stranger on this earth.
Every person deserves human treatment, regardless of one’s background or origin. It is not acceptable to treat foreigners badly !
Let’s respect Human Rights ! Not the other is different, not the other is scary, ignorance is scary. Getting to know the other person is the solution.
Hospitality is an expression of the greatness of a society, open to the world.
Everyone has the right to freedom and to live the way he or she wants.
Shelter and integration = short and long term benefits.
Without connecting multiculturalism the world has no future.
Let’s create connection instead of isolation, let’s create solidarity instead of exclusion, let’s create support instead of submission.
We all come from the same template and world, regardless of the color of our skin.
Freedom of movement for everyone.
Equal opportunities for everyone.
Massive regularization like during Minister Wathelet !
Establish criteria for the regularization of undocumented immigrants.
Regularization of all undocumented immigrants.
Give everyone a residence permit.
Regularization of undocumented immigrants : they live with us and work with and for us.
That the Belgian government sets up the reception infrastructure necessary to receive immigrants during the regularization procedure.
People without papers
Have easier access to mobility.
Abolition of closed centers.
A resident permit (Carte Ardente / Liège) that can serve as an identity document during the procedures.
Let’s avoid fear, prejudice and clichés.
Undocumented people (minors, men, women) are not synonymous with DANGER. They must be recognized in their rights.
Give them a chance to work.
They’re no convicts, stop locking them up!!!
We put on the handcuffs ourselves and stand in front of the plane to prevent it from taking off with migrants to take them back to their country.
Be in possession of a resident permit (Carte Ardente / Liège) to have access to all municipal services.
Give undocumented migrants access to certified training.
Strengthening “Solidarity Security” « Sécu solidaire ».
Ease up procedural requirements for emergency medical care (faster, fewer intermediaries) i.
In order for people without papers to make ends meet, we must allow them to work.